Lifetime educator, Dr. Mindy Shaw, maintained a philosophy in her classroom of 4 to 8 year olds to "teach humanity daily" in addition to the more traditional skill sets of reading, writing and math. Now, in an era of remote and hybrid learning, the notion of teaching humanity is somewhat threatened. She has created a series of e-books and paperbacks so that parents can have the tools they need for also teaching social and emotional skills, and in this series, Dr. Shaw discusses what it means to teach humanity both in general and in an era of learning via computer.
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 174
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw addresses what happens when an adult (a teacher or a parent of one of your children's friends) makes a comment that you feel is critical of your child. Dr. Shaw sees this kind of interaction as a learning opportunity as, quite often, the comment that was unsettling came from some who you both like and respect. The discomfort could come from the element of truth that was brought forward. We need to digest what we hear, re-visit the conversation and come to the understanding that what was said was potentially constructive. We want to teach our children to understand that it's ok to see things differently from one another, and that they can and should work through the differences they have in their own friendships.
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 173
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
In this engaging episode, Dr. Shaw examines what it means to have (or not have) expectations and how having expectations can affect your child. An important element of having expectations is that it can lead to disappointment. There are ways that Dr. Shaw illustrates where one might aim for the best one can possibly do all the time. In her analysis, recognizing the gap between wanting a particular result and expecting that result is an important step for both parent and child. You are continually modeling for your child and how you hold yourself in the world and manage your expectations is key. Also, maintaining an attitude of gratitude for any outcome mitigates any disappointment.
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 172
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
In this episode, Dr. Shaw examines the phenomenon of "helicopter parents"... those parents who hover over their children. Her philosophy is that while we all want to be protective and responsible parents, doing too much FOR our children inhibits their opportunities for learning. She uses several illustrative examples of natural consequences that demonstrate how parents that help too much actually get in the way of their children's development of skills such as resilience, reliability and resourcefulness. If parents come to the rescue too often when a child makes a mistake or simply forgets to do something, the invitation to grow from the experience is eliminated by the parent. The child also can feel that they can't be trusted to do the right thing. One should give a child the space to do what they are capable of doing, even at relatively young ages, and avoid the "Helicoptering" and providing too much aid.
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 171
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
In this fascinating episode, Dr. Shaw tackles the slippery slope of children who have a habit of tattling, often on other children. Per her analysis, there are several angles to this common situation, but her key recommendation is to keep children focused on the positive aspects of life and not the negative. It is very easy for a parent or teacher to fall into the trap of responding to the tattling by reprimanding the "culprit" or the person who was tattled on, when in fact that kind of reaction only serves to reinforce more tattling. Attention needs to be paid to what children do correctly, and pointing out or pointing to one's negative behavior will not have positive results. The reinforcement needed is the marking and noting of positive behaviors and that will steer the child into a better place where they can foster better and more productive relationships.
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 170
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw examines the dynamics of friendship among children, and she does it within the context of discussing "Love Languages." Dr. Shaw shares a real-life story of two youngsters in her Kindergarten-1st Grade classroom where her students engaged in an open discussion about love languages and, more importantly, what love language each student in the class exhibited. Not only are love languages a fascinating element in relationships, but they can provide a bullseye for what your friends needs most and also provide the mechanisms by which two friends can fill each other's love or friendship tank by doing for their friend what their friend needs most. It's a great way to engage and educate your young child, and fulfilling each other's love language can create the best possible kind of bond between friends.
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 169
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw discusses the impact that our own state of mind has on our daily ability to live our lives. She shares her own experiences as an illustrative example, and she reveals that for her, 90% of the time her mood is aligned with positivity. The discussion that matters here is what to do with that other 10%. In relation to parenting, she encourages parents to understand that children will have those same moments when they are surrounded by negativity. She also points out that the two best strategies for parents is to provide their children with a soft place to land when they are having an off day and to try to remember not to be judgmental of that condition. As all of us change and grow, when we have an "off" moment, it's ok to just let it go.
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 168
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw discusses the power of intention. Beginning your day or beginning a task, project or adventure with an intention will assist tremendously in getting the result that you want. Dr. Shaw's own personal example of having an intention is that she begins each day with the intention of being totally "in alignment." She then offer illustrative examples of how to assist our children to have intentions when approaching their own life situations.
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 167
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw takes a closer look at the psychological behavior known as projection, and she discusses how that behavioral pattern as a child can manifest again in that same child as an adult. Dr. Shaw provides specific examples of what this pattern can look like, and she relates her own experiences in the classroom during which she witnessed many children not taking responsibility for their own behavior. Her theory is that when a child is permitted to engage in that kind of behavior, it sets a pattern and a precedent that will be repeated later in life.
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 166
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw shares some personal thoughts related to the Thanksgiving season just days after the actual holiday. Thanksgiving has always been a personal favorite of Dr. Shaw, and she talks about her tradition of going around the holiday table and having each person express what they are thankful for. That discussion leads into her point of view on the will to live, even under dire circumstances, and she feels that more people are comfortable expressing their thanks this year because there is so much negativity in the world around us. Her thoughts here are brief, but they are nice kickoff to the holiday season.
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 165
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
In this compelling episode, Dr. Shaw untangles a tricky situation for children and parents alike.... Continuing a conversation from a recent prior podcast, she dives into an analysis of friendships, and in particular, what happens when children and parents develop relationships of convenience and something goes wrong. Sometimes the children don't get along, sometimes the parents bicker, and sometimes things can go wrong and get quickly fixed by one party (like the children) and not by the other (the parents). The scenarios Dr. Shaw describes are a page right out of real life, potentially yours, and her real gift comes when she offers the "do's" and "don't" of how to behave and what to say when juggling this kind of dilemma. Her experience as both a parent and as a teacher who spent decades running a classroom with young children is invaluable for this discussion, and her guidance can surely benefit you and your children when challenged by these kinds of social pressures.
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 164
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw discusses the notion of how meditation can assist you and your children to have a sense of stability and alignment. She addresses why meditation is helpful... because it helps with concentration and focus, and it helps us return to ourselves when thoughts and actions can take our attention in a direction we don't necessarily want it to go. Dr. Shaw walks us through some simple exercises, three different approaches in fact, and again, she discusses the benefits of these brief mental and physical excursions. She then concludes with a profound explanation why introducing your children to a practice of meditation can be both healthy and productive.
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 163
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw tackles a fascinating yet not uncommon scenario... she discusses what to do when children and their parents are both in shared circles of friends but then the children drift apart... how should the parents handle that situation especially if they may still want to preserve their quality relationship. Sometimes there are reasons to continue to cultivate relationships that aren't working well, and that can be modeled. Of course, children should never be put in the situation where they are being hurt emotionally or otherwise, but often the drifting of a relationship is simply part of the ebb and flow of life. Dynamics do change, but there will always be an opportunity to have different needs met in different kinds of relationships. When things get hard, it's often useful and fulfilling to not walk away... you can allow for the differences and celebrate the learning lessons from those differences.
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 162
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
In this VERY brief episode, Dr. Shaw wraps up her thoughts from her most recent set of podcast on the power of positivity and the goal of living up to one's birthright of having well-being in one's life.
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 161
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
In this installment, Dr. Shaw continues her focus on how to use the power of positive thought to attract and create good things in your life. Here, she shares her strategy of how to use a group of close-knit friends to rally their collective energy to support one another. Your goal could be maintaining your health or creating wealth or attracting a mate... the result isn't as important as the subtle act of avoiding the negative side of any issue and concentrating on the positive. Dr. Shaw also offers a way to apply this kind of openness to community thought to the act of parenting.... why not encourage your children to seek out support groups among their friends, and create an environment that's fulfilling rather than full of obstacles.
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 160
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw puts forth the notion that responsibility creates freedom. That may sound like an oxymoron, but Dr. Shaw explains the concept with a clear example using her own experience related to being organized... when she became responsible by being organized, she earned herself more free time by not having her own disorganization be a time-waste. Additionally, she offers some practical uses in parenting based on her point of view.
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 159
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
This week's podcast is a follow-up last week's conversation about having a strategy for dealing with nervousness. In this episode, Dr. Shaw presents another strategy for overcoming an obstacle in our daily living, and in this case she discusses the best ways to continually have a sense of well-being throughout our lives. In her view, much of it comes down to BELIEF and to how one holds the idea of whether struggle is necessary. Her overview is that positivity attracts positivity, and here she presents ways to keep your mindset optimistic. Dr. Shaw understands that her own negative "stories" from her past no longer serve her, and that her newer belief system of positivity has helped her co-create well-being.
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw -Ep. 158
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
In this brief but fascinating episode, Dr. Shaw tackles the notion of nervousness. Her intent is to help parents and educators assist children who are approaching a situation that makes them uneasy, but the strategies she outlines are helpful to adults as well. Children could be faced with a test or a sports tryout or just about anything that causes nervousness, and this discussion outlines ways to teach them to embrace the discomfort. Facing and actually embracing a challenge can lead to control of the situation.
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 157
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw extolls the virtues of meditation and proposes that teaching our children some simple practices of meditation can help them to center themselves and also to empower them when they are feeling nervous, anxious, afraid or simply "off". She walks us through some simple methods and exercises for meditation and establishes a quick routine that we can all use to simply get back to ourselves when we are not aligned with thoughts and energy that are healthy for us or serve our purposes.
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 156
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw begins a short series of podcasts within her series of podcasts, and in this edition she presents the notion of how and what we teach our children. The point of view she suggests is that sometimes we pay attention to the wrong things. She offers examples of how we do that and she also offers strategies for parents and educators to raise the bar in certain scenarios. She suggests that we teach children that we can create our own reality and that encouraging children to change their own story because that can change their circumstances and their personal results.
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 155
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
In this very brief episode, Dr. Shaw once again welcomes her granddaughter, Olivia, who was the inspiration for her 22-book series for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)... those books can be found here: Today, Dr. Shaw talks with Olivia about feeling left out among her friends. It's a common situation among schoolchildren and can elicit bad feelings, but in this quick and cute interview, Olivia lays out her strategy for how to deal with that situation. There's a nice lesson for parents and children alike in this very short tale.
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 154
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
In this very brief episode, Dr. Shaw welcomes a special guest for a short appearance... her granddaughter Olivia who was the inspiration for her series of non-fiction picture books on social-emotional learning (SEL) which can be found here: Here Olivia participates in a quick discussion about being defensive. This is a great example of how young children understand the mature concepts incorporated in SEL, and relate to Dr. Shaw because of her straight talk and respectful approach to children.
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep.153
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
In this brief but poignant episode, Dr. Shaw discusses a topic that she calls "What's really bothering you?" She begins by admitting that there are times that she is short-tempered or easily disturbed, and when that happens it is often the case that her reactions are caused by something other than what's on the surface. The same holds true for children. We have all seen examples of a child who is having a bit of a tantrum, and quite often that acting out is the result of a whole other external factor. Her key to handling this situation is NOT to give in to the child as that's the worst possible form of reinforcement... you must not give in to that uncomfortable situation or the symptoms that got you and your child there. What you can and should do is mark and note it the next time you have a similar reaction and at a later time, relate your experience to your child as a learning lesson... and show that what's bothering you just might be something other than what it seems.
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 152
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
In this super-short summertime episode, Dr. Shaw encourages parents and educators to promote having a positive attitude. She talks about tackling challenges, and encourages all of us to model positivity for our children so that they can be their best selves.
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 151
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw puts forth the point of view that dreams can come true. Yes, that sounds like a bit of an overly optimistic statement, but her lessons are really quite effective... she says that it's best to teach our children to work hard, to keep a positive attitude, to understand that not everything is easy, to be resilient... and with qualities like that, your behavior will lead to great results.
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 150
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
For this milestone 150th weekly episode, Dr. Shaw uses the moment to take stock about life. She talks about the intention of this podcast series, about how her own life has changed in the time that the podcast has been in distribution, and about her very important current and successful philosophy on life.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 149
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
On this brief episode, Dr. Shaw dives into the topic of making sure that children develop a strong sense of will. Children need to develop the stamina and the discipline to meet and conquer challenges, and if they do it early it life it will help them tremendously later on. The path to developing strong will includes conveying the fact that 100% success is not always attainable and it require the understanding that not knowing something presents the opportunity to learn it. Dr. Shaw presents a good illustrative example of how her granddaughter approaches learning gymnastics... she falls but she has the drive to overcome her mistakes. We need to show our children that as adults, WE stumble and get stuck sometimes, but we don't give up, and that makes us stronger.
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 148
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
In this brief but inspiring episode, Dr. Shaw shares a very personal experience... she had gone through a health scare at the start of 2023, and roughly six months later she has a clean bill of health. In a way, this podcast is a corollary to the prior episode in this series that addressed how negative beliefs can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. This time, Dr. Shaw talks about how holding the space for positivity brings a positive result. She references "The Law of Attraction" and illustrates how her attitude in dealing with a health issue helped bring a positive result. She recommends not wishing for something because implied within a wish is that you don't have what you are wishing for. Put energy into positivity and get the best possible results.
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 147
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw covers the fascinating subject of our belief systems, and specifically, she focuses on the impact of negative beliefs about oneself and the potential limits that self-doubt can cause. For example, if your child believes that they are not good readers or good at sports or whatever the case may be, that belief system needs to be changed. Negative self-image supported by a belief can have the power to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You want your children to think well of themselves, and belief systems can be changed just like one's attitude can be changed.
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 146
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
On this episode, Dr. Shaw discusses the topic of MEDITATION and its benefits. Her point of view is not one that fits the traditional view of what meditation looks like... she takes the approach that yes, meditation does involve quietude, but she is really concentrating on the power of focused thought. Through focus, you can more easily do self-observation, and once you have an opportunity for clear observation of your own reactions to things, the more easily you can address and alter your old habits and patterns that are not serving you well.
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 145
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
In this brief but fantastic episode, Dr. Shaw walks us through the importance of understanding and responding to our feelings of DISAPPOINTMENT. As Dr. Shaw points out, disappointment occurs whether you are 2 or 82, and it's always important to monitor how one reacts to a disappointing situation. There is an invitation to learn within every emotional experience, and, as with many other visceral reactions, what kind of results come from that experience is mostly guided by how you show up to that scenario. Dr. Shaw describes a recent disappointment that she had, and she reminds us that modeling emotional reactions for our children and sharing with them that even adults have the same experiences as children is crucial. Again, it's our response to disappointment or any other sensation that determines who we are and what kind of success we will have in life.
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 144
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw discusses a very popular topic among both parents and educators, GRIT. Grit is an usual word, not used often in everyday language, so children don't always clearly understand its meaning, but Dr. Shaw runs through several examples of what it is and how to portray grit to your children so that they benefit from the qualities of exhibiting grit.
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 143
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw discusses the concept of "Show and Tell," and she uses the framework of the "Show and Tell" game to illustrate how parents can better communicate with their children. She walks us through finding the sweet spot for communication... in other words, parents need to avoid over-talking to their children which results in a lack of attention, and they need to avoid under-talking which demonstrates that you might wrongly be assuming that your child knows what you are talking about. Some things need explanation, and some things require discussion, but the key is marking and noting those items or moments in ways that truly deliver a real learning lesson.
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 142
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
In this very brief episode, Dr. Shaw offers some great parenting advice (as always) and in this case she points out how it's important for parents to encourage children to try to new things. It sounds like a simple concept, but Dr. Shaw breaks down why it's an important step in the personal growth of a child and in their learning process. It might be easy to not argue with a child who says that they don't want to try new food or to play a new game or whatever it is, but Dr. Shaw provides great direction and a thoughtful rationale on why you should push your child to try new experiences.
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 141
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
In this very brief but very interesting episode, Dr. Shaw discusses the topic of providing reinforcement for your child's good behavior or good results. Her advice is simply to keep your reinforcement sincere and authentic. It's quite easy for a parent or educator to fall into a pattern of being agreeable or complimentary about something with a child when it's not necessarily merited. Dr. Shaw implores us to be specific with our compliments in order to reinforce exactly what was good about a particular circumstance, and she provides helpful examples of what to say and what not to say. She also offers thoughts on those moments when a child ASKS for compliments or reinforcements and discusses how to approach that scenario.
Monday May 29, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 140
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
In this very personal episode, Dr. Shaw discusses the need for parents to model well-being for their children. Her premise is that if a parent, for example, has fear about something, it's healthy for that parent to allow their children to see and experience the adult's experience with fear because those same children will have their own feelings of fear about something and it's important to demonstrate that that's normal and okay. It's a personal story because Dr. Shaw uses an example from her own very recent experience, but primarily this discussion is about encouraging parents to walk their walk and talk their talk so that when a child goes through something and is trying to navigate a social and/or emotional challenge, they can see that even their parents as role models might go through the same thing. Overcoming challenges develops resilience, and that's a great quality for children to develop.
Monday May 22, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 139
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
On this brief episode, Dr. Shaw addresses a challenging situation that often comes up for parents, and her discussion is about how to deal with one's role as a parent when you are experiencing a seriously negative moment or phase yourself. He approach here resembles that of a life coach as she offers both examples of and solutions for moving oneself out of negativity and into a headspace that is more positive so that you can serve yourself and fulfill your role as a parent more fully.
Monday May 15, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 138
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw re-visits the topic of parents who might influence their children by passing down negative traits unconsciously. Dr. Shaw uses some illustrative examples, some from her own life experience, of scenarios wherein the behavior of a parent can be projected onto a child and, in a way, ingrained in that child's own behavioral patterns. Dr. Shaw encourages parents (and educators) to carefully watch out for this kind of negative influence by self-monitoring one's own faults, foibles and insecurities. It's a tricky endeavor, but an important one to monitor in order to have your child have the most positive experiences as they navigate life.
Monday May 08, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 137
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
In this brief episode Dr. Shaw continues her focus on "guided practice" which is the educational scenario where very simply, someone is helping with the practice of a skill. In this case, the example that Dr. Shaw uses comes from her own recent experience rather than an instance in a classroom, but the outcome is the same... when someone supports your learning process, it strengthens that process and leads to a more positive result.
Monday May 01, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 136
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw focuses on the simple human aspect of habitual behavior. She postulates that old habits are not necessarily tough to break because you actually never do kill them entirely... they can and do live side by side with new habits. The key to this, which has an educational application, is GUIDED PRACTICE, or doing something not alone. Dr. Shaw uses starting an exercise regimen as an example of creating a new habit or rhythm in live that doesn't necessarily kill or replace or change the old habit. To have progress or re-training with any new habit involves the training and development of a muscle (literally or figuratively), but that training, again, doesn't supplant an old pattern. What you don't want is "fighting" within yourself when conflicting habits or patters co-exist.... that's draining and is filled with negative energy. Again, Guided Practice creates the result you desire.
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 135
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw touches on an important angle of good sportsmanship (a subject that she tackled in one of her socio-emotional learning books (the one found here: and it's the notion of not always needing to win. Dr. Shaw acknowledges that competition can be healthy and that it has its own life lessons attached, but that it's also important for children to learn about the cooperation necessary while playing a team sport. She also likens the notion of "losing" to the concept of making a mistake... she is a huge proponent that there are countless learning lessons held in the mis-take, and that not winning a game can offer a similar experience. The idea is to have experiences that can and will contribute a great deal to one's personal growth, and being on either side of the end result of a competition has a reward.
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 134
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw examines the notion that your child has feelings but you cannot possibly and completely understand their feelings because you are not them and they are individuals. She uses her own experience with a wheelchair-bound son as an illustrative example of how one might project their own feelings about an experience onto a child. More importantly, she examines why displacing your perception of someone's feelings with your own feelings is a mistake.
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 133
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw continues her conversation that began with last week's podcast on Re-Birth... this follow-up touches on the concept of freedom. Both are interrelated topics of Springtime and the Easter/Passover Holiday season. She ponders the internal and external factors that impact freedom. Her point of view is that HOW one shows up to circumstances is what liberates a person, and that someone can only show up properly is if they are present. She offers some methods and exercises that can help you be present because, again, she firmly believes the sense of having freedom can only begin with being present.
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep 132
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw turns her attention to the meaning and the rituals associated with the arrival of Spring. In particular she is focused on the notion that this is a season of birth and re-birth, and that those life events are reinforced by the holidays of this season that celebrate new beginnings and new freedoms. Dr. Shaw encourages the listener to think about the motivations that go into creating a new generation and what parents goals are when they have children. It's a fascinating perspective that doesn't always rise to the forefront, but it is a perfect series of notions to process during this unique time of the year.
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 131
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
This episode is an important follow-up to the prior podcast in this series, Episode 130, in which Dr. Shaw describes a situation in which a child acted out and ended up controlling the situation by getting attention for bad behavior. Dr. Shaw does not condone a parenting strategy that rewards bad behavior in any way, and in this podcast, she further discusses how a parent needs to behave like the responsible adult when handling a child in a challenging situation. She uses the example of a child having temper tantrum in a social or public situation, and she offers her expert point of view on WHY that behavior is happening and HOW you should truly respond. Her rational and thoughtful approach to this scenario should benefit any caretaker or educator by laying out the best possible strategy.
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep 130
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
In this fascinating episode, Dr. Shaw responds to a parent's request for advice about how to handle a child with bad behavior. In responding to that inquiry, Dr. Shaw deconstructs her own recent experience with a child who uses misbehavior to gain results. Dr. Shaw brilliantly describes the situation, sees directly into the manipulative thought process motivating the bad behavior, and recounts how the parent (a very good, not unskilled parent, by the way) handled but also mis-handled the situation. Dr. Shaw offers advice on how the entire episode could have been guided differently by the parent to a better result. Interestingly, witnesses who watched this same scenario were impressed by the parenting they saw, yet Dr. Shaw manages to go one step further to outline what should have been done for greater long term results. Once again, she identifies the issue, and offers the best possible solution.
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 129
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
In this episode Dr. Shaw follows a recent visit to her granddaughter's school which inspired her to share her enthusiasm here for the practice of teaching. The school is set up with a multi-age class structure and its focus is on teaching social skills (teaching humanity, if you will, just like the title of this podcast). Dr. Shaw was there presenting one of her favorite lessons which is... there are no real mistakes, only mis-takes, which themselves are pure learning opportunities. That lesson inspires risk-taking within a comfort zone which is one of the keys for Dr. Shaw in her teaching method and how she like to have children learn. Additionally, in the school where she visited, teaching social skills is not a one-day, one-and-done topic... it's an environment where that kind of growth and expansion occurs on a natural and ongoing basis. This quick recap of Dr. Shaw's experience is a true microcosm of a major part of her educational philosophy. Enjoy!
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 128
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
In this super-brief episode, Dr. Shaw simply shares some reflections on what it feels like to go through the medical issues that she's going through. She points out that how one shows up for life is the most important thing.
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 127
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
In this brief episode, Dr. Shaw talks about "The Law of Attraction." For those not familiar with this line of thought, The Law of Attraction is the belief that positive thoughts bring positive results or experiences and negative thoughts bring negative ones. It's based on the notion that the energy focused thought is powerful enough to create a cause and effect relationship. Dr. Shaw has had some medical challenges of her own recently, and she uses her own recent experiences to create an illustrative example of this way of thinking and how it can manifest results. She also deftly ties this belief system into ways to impact one's parenting outcomes by using the Law of Attraction in child-rearing. Just as a reminder, her parenting book on effective communication with children is available on Amazon at this link:
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 126
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
In this brief but important episode, Dr. Shaw tackles the concepts of discipline and consequences as they specifically relate to parenting. Quite often, discipline for children is required, but without the proper approach, the opportunity for a teachable moment will be lost. Children can easily see the negative in a situation when they misbehave and are subject to disciplinary behavior, but Dr. Shaw is a believer in "natural consequences"... they will make sense to your child and be more effective in those life lesson moments.
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Teaching Humanity Remotely with Dr. Mindy Shaw - Ep. 125
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Shaw continues to be inspired by her own recent personal medical challenges to see things from a perspective that opens new doors educationally. Here, she considers the notion of victimization... in other words, she asks the question "Am I a victim for having my condition?" In answering that question, it brings up an examination of "Why?" questions which are often asked by children. In Dr. Shaw's point of view, "Why?" is often answered with one's head but instead, answers can and should sometimes be found in behavior and emotion. During this discussion she lays out a three-tiered way of looking at oneself... by using INTENTION, ATTENTION and REFLECTION. It's a fascinating discussion with parenting possibilities built right in.